Evelyne Rossie


Name: Evelyne Rossie (1986)
Job description:  danseres
Education:  Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten / Moderne Theaterdans (2010) and Bachelor in Dance Education from Codarts, Rotterdam (2008)
With Woest since:  2011
Woest performance(s):  NetNietNiets, Leaving normal and Balancing Bodies.
Other work:  Horses van Joke Laureyns (Kabinet K), Empathy van Jasmin Ellis,  Relational Stalinism – The Musical van Michael Portnoy (Witte de With center for Contemporary arts), Geent,van Ugo Deheas (Kwaadbloed).
Note: When Woest liked to work with Evelyne for their first street theater production, she broke her foot! A year later she still join the street theater performances NetNietNiets and they didn’t stop working since.